- Schaltegger, U., ZWINGMANN,
H., Clauer, N., Larqué, P. and Stille, P., 1995. Mesozoic hydrothermal
activity in Carboniferous- to Triassic clay minerals of Northern
Switzerland. - Schweiz. Mineral. Petrogr. Mitt., 75, 163-176.
- Clauer, N., ZWINGMANN, H.
and Chaudhuri, S., 1996. Extent and importance of the Liassic
hydrothermal activity in Western Europe based on isotopic constraints
from contemporaneous mica-type minerals. - Clay Minerals, 31, 301-318.
- ZWINGMANN, H., Clauer, N.
and Gaupp, R., 1999. Structural related geochemical (REE) and
isotopic characteristics (K-Ar, Rb-Sr, d18O) characteristics of clay minerals
from Rotliegend sandstone reservoirs (Permian, Northern Germany). - Geochimica et
Cosmochemica Acta, 63 (18), 2805-2823.
- Zhao, B., Clauer, N., Robb,
L.J., ZWINGMANN, H., Toulkeridis, T. and Meyer, F.M., 1999. K-Ar dating
of white micas from the Ventersdorp contact Reef of the Witwatersrand
Basin, South Africa: timing of post-depositional alteration. Mineralogy
and Petrology, 66 (1-3), 149-170.
- ZWINGMANN, H, Tingate, P.,
Lemon, N. and Hamilton, P.J., 2001. K-Ar Dating, Petrographic and
Thermal Modelling Constraints on Illite Origin in the Cooper Basin,
South Australia. – PESA, EABS Eastern Australasian Basins Symposium,
Melbourne, 25-28.11.2001, 321-327.
- Claypool, A., Dockrill, B.,
Walker, D., Klepeis, K., ZWINGMANN, H. and Clarke, G., 2002. Structure
and kinematics of the oblique continental convergence in Northern Fjordland,
New Zealand. –Tectonophysics, 359 (3-4), 329-358.
- Clauer, N., ZWINGMANN, H.
and Gorokhov, I.M., 2003. Post-depositional evolution of platform
claystones based on a simulation of thermally-induced diffusion of
radiogenic 40Ar from diagenetic illite. - Journal of
Sedimentary Research, 73 (1), 58-63.
- Geisler, T., Rashaw,
A.E.A., Rahn, K.W.M., Poller, U., ZWINGMANN, H., Pidgeon, R.T.,
Schleicher, H. and Tomaschek, F., 2003. Low-temperature hydrothermal
alteration of natural metamict zircons from the eastern Desert, Egypt. -
Mineralogical Magazine, 67 (3), 485-508.
Mancktelow, N., 2004. Timing of Alpine fault gouges.
EPSL, 223, 415-425.
- ZWINGMANN, H., Offler, R.,
Wilson, T. and Cox, S., 2004. K-Ar dating of fault gouge in the northern
Sydney basin, Australia – implications for the breakup of Gondwana. -
Journal of Structural Geology, 26 (12), 2285-2295.
- Everard, J.L., Sutherland,
F.L. and ZWINGMANN, H., 2004. A Cretaceous phonolite dyke from the Tomahawk river, North-East Tasmania. - Papers and
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania, vol. 138, 11-33.
- Zhang, Y., ZWINGMANN, H.,
Todd, A., Liu, K. and Luo, X., 2004. K-Ar dating of authigenic illite and
its applications to unravel hydrocarbon charge history in some typical
sandstone reservoirs in Tarim Basin, northwest China. - Earth Science
Frontiers, Vol. 11 (4), 637-648.
- Sutherland, F.L., Graham,
I.T. and ZWINGMANN, H., 2004. Late Cenozoic basalts, Uplands Province,
N.E. Victoria: in relation to the Newer basalts
of western Victoria. - Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria 116
(1), 51-68.
- Zhang, Y., ZWINGMANN, H.,
Todd, A., Liu, K. and Xiuquan, L., 2005. K-Ar Dating of Authigenic
Illites and its Applications to the Study of Hydrocarbon Charging
Histories of Typical Sandstone Reservoirs in Tarim Basin, China. -
Petroleum Science, 2 (2), 12-24.
- Sakai, H., Kikawa, E.,
Watanabe, T., Offler, R. and ZWINGMANN, H., 2005. Paleomagnetic study of
Late Cretaceous basaltic dykes in Late Permian sediments of the
Newcastle Coal Measures, Newcastle, Australia – relationship to the
opening of the Tasman Sea. – Polar Geosciences, 18, 58-66.
- Sutherland, F.L., Graham,
I.T., ZWINGMANN, H., Pogson, R.E. and Barron, B.J., 2005. The Belmore
central volcano, north-eastern New South Wales, Australia, and some
implications for plume variations along migratory trails. – Australian
Journal of Earth Sciences, 52, 897-919.
- Osborne, R.A.L., ZWINGMANN,
H., Pogson, R.E. and Colchester, D.M., 2006. Carboniferous Cave deposits
from Jenolan Caves, NSW, Australia: Implications for timing of
speleogenesis and regional geology. – Australian Journal of Earth
Sciences, 53, 377-405.
- Sutherland, F.L., Graham,
I.T., Forsyth, S.M., ZWINGMANN, H., and Everard, J.L., 2006. The Tamar
trough revisited: Integration between basalts, ages, sedimentary beds
and valley evolution, Northern Tasmania. - Papers and Proceedings of the
Royal Society of Tasmania, 140, 49-72.
- ZWINGMANN, H and Nelson,
D.R., 2007. Timing of illite authigenesis in well Empress-1A, Officer
Basin, Western Australia. – Northern Territory Geological Survey,
Proceedings Central Australian Basins Symposium: Alice Springs
16-18.08.2005, Special Publication 2, 1-13.
- Zhang, Y. ZWINGMANN, H. and
Luo, X.Q., 2007. K-Ar dating of authigenic illite and its applications
to the investigation of hydrocarbon accumulation history of the Silurian
bituminous sandstone reservoirs in the Tazhong uplift, Tarim basin,
China. – Oil & Gas Geology, 28 (2), 166-174.
- Higgs, K. E. ZWINGMANN, H.,
Reynes, A. and Funnell, R., 2007. Diagenesis, Porosity Evolution, and
Petroleum Emplacement in Tight Gas Reservoirs, Taranaki Basin, New
Zealand. – Journal of Sedimentary Research, 77 (12), 1003-1025.
- Clauer, N., Liewig, N.,
Ledesert, B. and ZWINGMANN, H., 2008. Thermal history of Triassic
sandstones from the Vosges Mountains-Rhine Graben rifting area, NE
France, based on K-Ar illite dating. – Clay Minerals, 43, 363-379.
- ZWINGMANN, H., Allan, T.,
Liu, K. and Holland, D., 2008. Glauconite ages from Late Cretaceous
reservoir sandstones of the Papuan basin. – In: Blevin, J.E., Bradshaw,
B.E. and Uruski, C. (Eds), Proceedings of the Eastern Australasian
Basins Symposium 3, Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia, Special
Publication, 259-262.
- Boult, P., Lyon, P., Camac,
B., Hunt, S. and ZWINGMANN, H., 2008. Unravelling the complex structural
history of the Penola Trough, South Australia. – In: Blevin, J.E.,
Bradshaw, B.E. and Uruski, C. (Eds), Proceedings of the Eastern Australasian
Basins Symposium 3, Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia, Special
Publication, 81-94.
- Maraschin, A. J., Mizusaki,
A.M., Sbrissa, G.F., ZWINGMANN, H. and Borba, A.W., 2009. Timing and
tracing of illite formation in the Ordovician Guaritas Sandstones
(Camaquã Basin, Southern Brazil). – Journal of South American Geology –
DOI 10.1016/j.jsames.2009.07.007.
- Och, D., Offler, R.,
ZWINGMANN, H., Braybrooke, P. and Graham. I., 2009. Timing of brittle
faulting and thermal events, Sydney region: association with the early
stages of extension of East Gondwana. – Australian Journal of Earth
Sciences, 56, 873–887.
- Offler, R., Och, D.,
Phelan, D and ZWINGMANN, H., 2009. Mineralogy and conditions of
formation of gouge in NNE trending faults, Sydney Region. – Australian
Journal of Earth Sciences, 56, 889-905.
- ZWINGMANN, H., Mancktelow,
N., Antognini, M. and Lucchini, R., 2010. Dating of
shallow faults – new constraints from the AlpTransit tunnel site
(Switzerland). – Geology, v. 38, no 6, 487-490; doi10.1130/G30785.1
- ZWINGMANN, H., Yamada, K.
and Tagami, T., 2010. Timing of brittle faulting within the
Nojima fault zone, Japan. – Chemical Geology, 275, 176-185; doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2010.05.006.
- Franks, S. and ZWINGMANN,
H., 2010. Origin and timing of late diagenetic illite in the
Permo-Carboniferous Unayzah sandstone reservoirs of Saudi Arabia. – AAPG
Bulletin, v. 94, 1133-1159; DOI:10.1306/04211009142
- Gleason, J.D., Gutzmer, J.,
Kesler, S.E. and ZWINGMANN, H., 2011. 2.05 Ga age for Zeerust (F) and
Bushy Park (Zn-Pb) Paleoproterozoic MVT Deposits, South Africa: Distal
Remnants of Bushveld-related Hydrothermal Activity? – Journal of
Geology, v. 119, 69-80, DOI:10.1086/657301.
- Prendergast, E., Offler,
R., Phillips, D. and ZWINGMANN, H., 2011. 40Ar/39Ar and K-Ar ages: Early
Palaezoic regional deformation in the Narooma accretionary complex. –
Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 58:1, 21-32, DOI:
- Zhang, Y., ZWINGMANN, H.,
Liu, K. and Luo, X., 2011. Hydrocarbon charge history of Silurian
sandstone reservoirs in the Tazhong Uplift, Tarim basin, China. – AAPG
Bulletin, v. 95, 3, 395-412, DOI:10.1306/08241009208.
- ZWINGMANN, H., Han, R. and
Ree, J.H., 2011. Cretaceous reactivation of the Deokpori
Thrust, Taebaeksan Basin, South Korea, constrained by K-Ar dating of
clayey fault gouge. - Tectonics, 30, TC5015,
- Clauer, N., Jourdan, F. and
ZWINGMANN, H., 2011. Dating petroleum emplacement by illite 40Ar/39Ar
laser stepwise heating: a comment. – AAPG Bulletin, v. 95, 12,
2107-2111, DOI:10.1306/03241110115.
- Clauer, N., Liewig, N. and
ZWINGMANN, H., 2012. Constraining illitization in hydrocarbon-bearing
Rotliegend (Permian) sandstones from Northern Europe by K-Ar dating. –
AAPG Bulletin, v. 96, 3, 519-543, DOI:10.1306/07131111003.
- Pleuger, J., Mancktelow,
N., ZWINGMANN, H. and Manser, M., 2012. K-Ar dating of synkinematic clay
gouges from Neoalpine faults of the Central, Western and Eastern Alps. -
Tectonophysics, v. 550-553, 1-16, doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2012.05.001.
- Aubet, N. R., Pecoits, E.,
Bekker, A., Gingras, M. K., ZWINGMANN, H., Veroslavsky, G., de Santa
Ana, H. and Konhauser, K. O., 2012. Chemostratigraphic constraints on
early Ediacaran carbonate ramp dynamics, Río de la Plata craton
(Uruguay). – Gondwana Research, v. 22, 1073–1090,
- Clauer, N., ZWINGMANN, H.,
Liewig, N. and Wendling, R., 2012. Comparative 40Ar/39Ar and K-Ar dating
of illite-type clay minerals. – Earth Science Reviews, v. 115, 76–96,
doi: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2012.07.003.
- Sutherland, F.L., Graham,
I.T., Meffre, S., ZWINGMANN, H. and Pogson, R.E., 2012. Prolonged
passive margin volcanism, East Australian margin: Outbursts,
progressions, plate controls and causes. –Australian Journal of Earth
Sciences, v. 59, 983–1005,
- Prendergast, E., Offler,
R., and ZWINGMANN, H., 2012. Adaminaby group west of Batemans Bay: Deformation
and metamorphism of the Narooma accretionary complex. – Australian
Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 59, 1049–1066,
- Viola, G., ZWINGMANN, H.,
Mattila, J. and Käpyaho, A., 2013. K/Ar illite
constraints on the Proterozoic formation and reactivation history of a
brittle fault in Fennoscandia. - Terra Nova, DOI:
- Aubet, N. R., Pecoits, E.,
Bekker, A., Gingras, M. K., ZWINGMANN, H., Veroslavsky, G., de Santa
Ana, H. and Konhauser, K. O., 2013. Reply to Comment by C. Gaucher et
al. on " Chemostratigraphic constraints on early Ediacaran
carbonate ramp dynamics, Río de la Plata craton, Uruguay" by Aubet
et al. – Gondwana Research, 23-3, 1186-1188, doi:
- Hetzel, R., ZWINGMANN, H.,
Mulch, A., Gessner, K., Akal, C., Hampel, A., Güngör, T., Petschick, R.,
Mikes, T. and Wedin, F., 2013. Spatio-temporal evolution of brittle
normal faulting and fluid infiltration in detachment fault systems - a
case study from the Menderes Massif, western Turkey. - Tectonics,
32, 1–13, doi:10.1002/tect.20031.
- Yamasaki, S., ZWINGMANN,
H., Yamada, K., Tagami, T. and Umeda, K., 2013. Constraining
timing of brittle deformation and faulting in the Toki granite, central
Japan. – Chemical Geology, 351 168–174.
- Davids,
C., Wemmer, K., ZWINGMANN, H., Kohlmann, F., Jacobs, J. and Bergh, S.G.,
2013. K‐Ar illite and apatite fission track constraints on brittle
faulting and the evolution of the northern Norwegian passive margin. –
Tectonophysics, 608, 196–211,
- Sutherland, F. L., Graham,
I.T., Hollis, J.D., Meffre, S., ZWINGMANN, H., Jourdan, F. and Pogson,
R.E., 2014. Multiple felsic events recorded in post-10Ma volcanism,
Central-western Victoria: implications for magmatism and potential plume
activity, South-East Australia. - Australian Journal of Earth Sciences,
1-27, DOI: 10.1080/08120099.2014.883640.
- Och, D., Offler, R. and
ZWINGMANN, H., 2014. Constraining timing of brittle deformation and
fault gouge formation in the Sydney basin, NSW. – Australian Journal of
Earth Sciences, 1-14, DOI: 10.1080/08120099.2014.906503
- Zhang,
Y., ZWINGMANN, H., Liu, K. and Xiuquan, L., 2014. Perspective
on the K/Ar and 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of
authigenic illites. A case study of the Sulige gas field, Ordos Basin,
China. – ACTA PETROLEI SINICA, vol. 35, no 3, 407-416, DOI:
- Maraschin, A.J., Mizusaki,
A.M., ZWINGMANN, H. and Sgarbi, G.N.C., 2014. K–Ar
dating of authigenic minerals in siliciclastic sequences: an example
from the south Sanfranciscana Basin (Western Minas Gerais, Brazil). – Geological Journal, 1-15,
DOI: 10.1002/gj.2609
- Torgersen,
E., Viola, G., ZWINGMANN, H and Harris, C., 2014. Structural and
temporal evolution of a reactivated brittle-ductile fault: Part II.
Timing of fault initiation and reactivation by K-Ar dating of
synkinematic illite. – EPSL, 407:221-233,
- Zhang,
Y., ZWINGMANN, H., Liu, K., Tao, S. and Luo, X., 2014. Experimental
investigation on sandstone sample disintergration using a repetitive
freezing and thawing technique. - Petroleum Geology & Experiment,
36, 6: 752-761, doi:10.11781/sysydz201406752.
- Torgersen,
E., Viola, G., ZWINGMANN, H. and Henderson,
I.C.H., 2015. Inclined illite K-Ar age spectra in
brittle fault gouges. –Terra Nova,
doi: 10.1111/ter.12136
- Mancktelow,
H., Campani, M., Fügenschuh, B. and Mulch, A., 2015. Timing
and conditions of brittle faulting on the Silltal-Brenner Fault Zone,
Eastern Alps (Austria). – Swiss Journal of Geosciences, 22 p., DOI
- Torgersen,
E., Viola, G., Sandstad, J.S., Stein, H., ZWINGMANN, H. and Hannah, J.,
2015. Structural analysis and dating of the emplacement and structural
evolution of mesothermal Cu-rich carbonate veins in northern Norway. –
Tectonophysics, vol. 659, p. 70-90, doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2015.07.029
- Lehmann,
J., Saalmann, S., Naydenov, K.V., Milani, L., ZWINGMANN, H.,
Belyanin,G.A., Charlesworth, G. and Kinnaird, J.A., 2015. Structural
and geochronological constraints on the Pan-African tectonic evolution
of the Northern Damara Belt, Namibia. –
Tectonics, doi: 10.1002/2015TC003899.
- Wang,
H., Zhou, L., Ching-hua Lo, C.H. and Viola, G., 2016. Direct dating of
folding episodes by 40Ar/39Ar analysis of
synkinematic muscovite on flexural slip planes. – Journal of
Structural Geology, 83, p. 46-59;
- Witt,
W., Vennemann, T., ZWINGMANN, H., Hagemann, S.G., Spangenberg, J.E. and
Villanes, C., 2016. Multiple Gold Mineralizing Styles in the northern
Pataz district, Peru. – Economic Geology, v. 111 no. 2 p. 355-394.doi:
- Dawn,
K., Warren, C., Larson, K.P., ZWINGMANN, H., van Staal, C.R. and Rogers,
N., 2016. Influence of deformation and fluids on Ar retention in white
mica: dating the Dover Fault, Newfoundland Appalachians. – Lithos - doi:
- Mancktelow,
N., ZWINGMANN, H. and Mulch, A., 2016. Dating of fault
gouge from the Naxos detachment (Cyclades, Greece). –Tectonics
- doi: 10.1002/2016TC004251.
- Viola,
G., Scheiber, T., Fredin, O., ZWINGMANN, H., Margreth, A. and Knies, J.,
2016. Deconvoluting complex structural
histories archived in brittle fault zones. - Nature
communications - 7:13448 | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms13448
- Lawrence, R., ZWINGMANN,
H., Collins, A., King, R., Loehr, S. and Morley, C., 2017. Constraining the timing of shale detachment faulting from
K/Ar dating: a geochemical approach. –Lithosphere, doi:10.1130/L612.1
- Ola,
F., Viola, G., ZWINGMANN, H., Sørlie, R., Brönner, M., Lie, J-E.,
Grandal, E. M., Müller, A., Margreth, A., Vogt, C. and Knies, J., 2017. The
inheritance of a Mesozoic landscape in western Scandinavia.
- Nature communications - DOI: 10.1038/ncomms14879
- Berger,
A., Wehrens, P., Lanari, P., ZWINGMANN, H.
and Herwegh, M., 2017. Microstructures, mineral chemistry and
geochronology of white micas along a retrograde evolution: An example
from the Aar massif (Central Alps, Switzerland). - Tectonophysics 721,
179-195, - doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2017.09.019
- Ola,
F., Viola, G., ZWINGMANN, H., Sørlie, R., Brönner, M., Lie, J-E.,
Grandal, E. M., Müller, A., Margreth, A., Vogt, C. and Knies, J., 2017.
Reply to Correspondence: Unravelling old landscape elements by the
dating of weathering products - a challenging task. - Nature
communications - DOI NCOMMS-17-21502A
H., Berger, A., Todd, A. and Herweg, M., 2017. Testing high-voltage
electrical discharges in disintegrating claystone for isotopic and mineralogical
studies: an example using Opalinus claystone. – Clay and Clay Minerals,
Vol. 65, No. 5, 342–354, DOI: 10.1346/CCMN.2017.064072.
- Elminen,
T., ZWINGMANN, H. and Kaakinen, A., 2018. Timing of brittle deformation
and sedimentation within the Savio tunnel site, Southern Finland –
Implication for sediment sources in Fennoscandia. – Precambrian
Research, 304, 110-124,
- Doublier M.P., Hegarty R.,
Purdy D.J. and ZWINGMANN, H., 2018. Structural Domains of the Southern
Thomson Orogen Australian Tasmanides. - Australian Journal of Earth
Sciences, 65:7-8, 943-966, DOI: 10.1080/08120099.2018.1526213
- Clauer, N., ZWINGMANN, H.,
Aubert, A. and Todd, A., 2019. Challenging K-Ar dating of successive
illitization episodes in an extensively cemented hydrocarbon-bearing
sandstone reservoir of the Hassi Messaoud field, Algeria. – AAPG Bulletin, v. 103, no.
1, pp. 215–240.
- Abdullah, R., Nugroho, R.,
Rosenbaum, G., Doublier, M., Shaanan, U. and ZWINGMANN, H., 2019.
Evidence for deformation in the Cambrian-Ordovician Warburton Basin and
implications for the evolution of the Thomson and Delamerian Orogens
(eastern Australia). –Tectonics, doi: 10.1080/08120099.2018.1526213
H., Den
Hartog, S. and Todd, A., 2019. The effect of sub-seismic fault slip
processes on the isotopic signature of clay minerals –
Implications for K-Ar dating of fault zones. – Chemical
Geology, 514, 112-121,
- Kulhanek,
D.K., Levy, R.H., Clowes, C.D., Prebble, J.G., Rodelli, D., Jovane, L.,
Morgans, H.E.G., Kraus, C., ZWINGMANN, H.,
Griffith, E.M., Scher, H.D., McKay, R.M. and Naish, T., 2019. Revised
chronostratigraphy of DSDP Site 270 and late Oligocene to early Miocene
paleoecology of the Ross Sea sector of Antarctica. – Global and
Planetary Change, 178, 46-64,
- Kemp,
S.J., Gillespie, M.R., Leslie, G.A., ZWINGMANN, H., Diarmad, S. and
Campbell, G., 2019. Clay mineral dating of displacement on the
Sronlairig Fault: implications for Mesozoic and Cenozoic tectonic
evolution in northern Scotland. - Clay Minerals, 54, 181-196.
- Sutherland,
F.L., Graham, I.T., ZWINGMANN, H., Och, D. J., Gardner, C. J. and Pogson,
R.E., 2019. Triassic to Neogene tectono-magmatic events within Lorne
Basin evolution, coastal New South Wales, Eastern Australia. –
Australian Journal of Earth Sciences,
- Offler, R., ZWINGMANN, H.,
Foden, J., Sutherland, F.L. and Graham, I.T., 2019. Age, geochemical
composition and orientation of dykes emplaced before and during opening
of the Tasman Sea – tectonic implications. – Australian Journal of Earth
- Cardello,
G.L., Di Vincenzo, G., Giorgetti, G., ZWINGMANN, H. and
Mancktelow, N., 2019. Continent-to-Continent Megathrust
timing and fabric: insights from field and radioisotopic dating of the
Pennine Basal Thrust (Swiss Alps). – Journal of Structural Geology, 126,
338-356, doi:10.1016/j.jsg.2019.06.014.
- Heineke,
C., Hetzel, R., Nilius, N-P., ZWINGMANN, H., Todd, A., Mulch, A., Wölfler
, A., Glotzbach, C., Akal, C., Dunkl, I. and Hampel, A., 2019.
Timing of detachment faulting in a symmetric core complex from K-Ar
dating of fault gouge. –Journal of Structural Geology,
- Wang, Y., Zhou, L., Lo, C-H.,
ZWINGMANN, H., Lo, C-H., Li, G. and Hao, J., 2019. 40Ar/39Ar dating of
cataclastic K-feldspar: a new approach for establishing the chronology
of brittle deformation. – Journal of Structural Geology,
- Uysal,
T., Delle Piane, C., Todd, A. and ZWINGMANN, H., 2020.
Precambrian faulting episodes and insights into the tectonothermal
history of North Australia: Microstructural evidence and K–Ar,
40Ar–39Ar, and Rb–Sr dating of syntectonic illite the intracratonic
Millungera Basin. - Solid Earth, 11,1653-1679,
- Mottram,
C.M., Kellett, D., Baressi, T., ZWINGMANN, H., Friend, M., Todd, A.,
Percival, J.B., 2020. Syncing fault rock clocks: Direct comparison of
U-Pb carbonate and K-Ar illite fault dating methods. - Geology, 48,
- Akker,
V., Berger, A., ZWINGMANN, H., Todd, A., Schrank, C.E., Jones, M.W.M.,
Kewish, C.M, Schmid, T.C. and Herwegh, M., 2021. Structural and chemical
resetting processes in white mica and their effect on K-Ar data during
low temperature metamorphism. - Tectonophysics, 800,
- Nelson,
C.S., Lawless, A.S., Nodder, S.D. and ZWINGMANN, H., 2021. Latest
Miocene (Kapitean/Messinian) glauconite and the central Chatham Rise
greensand: an enigmatic, condensed palimpsest deposit the modern
seafloor. – New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics,
- Nordbäck,
N., Mattila, J., ZWINGMANN, H. and Viola, G., 2022.: Precambrian fault
jostling in southern Fennoscandia revealed by structural and K-Ar
geochronological data. - Tectonophysics Volume 824, 229208,
- Knies,
J., Schönenberger, J., ZWINGMANN, H., van
der Lelij, R., Smelror, M.,
Vullum, P.E., Brönner, M., Vogt, C., Fredin, O., Müller,
A., Grasby, S.E., Beauchamp, B. and Viola, G., 2022. Continental
weathering and ocean recovery during Early Triassic Biotic Crisis. -
Nature Earth and Environment,
ZWINGMANN, H., Clauer, N. and Gaupp, R., 1998. Timing of fluid flow in
a sandstone reservoir of the North-German Rotliegend (Permian) by K-Ar dating
of related hydrothermal illite. - In: Parnell, J. (ed.) 1998: Dating and
Duration of Fluid Flow and Fluid-Rock Interaction. Geological Society, London
Special Publication, 144, pp. 91-106.
2. ZWINGMANN, H., 2014.
K-Ar/40Ar/39Ar dating - Clays and Glauconites. - In Rink, W.J.,
Thompson, J.W. (Eds.) Encyclopaedia of Scientific Dating Methods,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg, pp. 171-176.
3. Tsukamoto, S., Tagami, T. and
ZWINGMANN, H., 2019. Direct Dating of Fault Movement. - In Tanner, D.C,
Brandes, C. (Eds.) Understanding Faults: Detecting, Dating, and Modelling
Faults. Elsevier, Chapter 7, pp. 257-283
Abstracts: 165
Additional publications
ZWINGMANN, H., Carr, P. and Doyle, R., 2000.
Dating of authigenic clays related to igneous intrusions in Hunter Valley
coals. - CIS Research Report 1995-2000, CSIRO Minerals research laboratories,
North Ryde, p. 96-102.
ZWINGMANN, H., 2001. Response to
Consideration by Geoscience Australia of ANSTO submission to ARPANSA on Site
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Forsyth, S. and ZWINGMANN, H., 2004. Cenozoic basalts, Tasmania: Landscapes,
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Mänttäri, I., Mattila, J., ZWINGMANN, H. and
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Reid, A., ZWINGMANN, H. and Giles, A., 2010.
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Viola, G., Mattila, J., ZWINGMANN, H. and
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ZWINGMANN, H., 2016. Kanazawa, Hokoriko
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Kellett, D.A., Ryan, J.J., Colpron, M.,
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H.N., ZWINGMANN, H., Uysal, T., Todd, A. and Johnson, S.P., 2020. Dating
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lithified fault gouge GSWA Report 214, 45 pages.
11. Everard,
J.L., Matchan, E., Bottrill, R.S., Jackman, C.J., Brown, A.V. and ZWINGMANN,
H., 2021. 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of the Cooee Dolerite, NW Tasmania, and
notes on its mineralogy and petrology. Mineral Resources Tasmania, Geological
Survey Technical Report 26: 55p. – available at:
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